One of the most frustrating things that you can experience as someone working within the SEO and online marketing industry; is how many people don’t take it seriously at all. There are still far too many businesses out there who refuse to accept that SEO is an essentiality for success. Of course, unfortunately this is due to the fact that many people are regularly burned by “cowboy” marketeers who are more concerned with earning a quick buck in the now, as opposed to developing strong relationships and making more money in the long run. We understand that there are many grey areas in SEO, but if you look closely, it’s a great metaphor for success and in actuality; we would all do well to learn from SEO.
So, before we get into it, it would be best to break down SEO into its 3 essential parts.
1 – Onsite Optimisation (Presentation)
2 – Ongoing Quality Content (Communication)
3 – Off-Site Authority Building (Reputation)
Ok, but how do these key components relate to life? Well, it’s simple really. First of all, look at onsite optimisation as the way you present yourself. And we don’t mean simply the way that you dress, but the way that you operate. Are you accessible? Are you agreeable? Are you helpful? Are you genuine? What can you do, to optimise yourself better? The key to a happy life, a successful career and strong, lasting relationships is in the way that you optimise yourself.
Next, there’s ongoing quality content, or in this case, communication. The key to a successful SEO campaign is by creating regular, ongoing content, but it goes deeper than that. It’s not about volume, but about the quality of the content. Does it read well? Is it helpful? Is it original? If you are constantly putting forward unique ideas and you are consistent with your quality, you will be taken seriously both in life and in your career.
And then you have off-site authority or reputation. Where is this quality, ongoing content going? Who are you associating yourself with? Are you surrounding yourself by positive, relevant people that will help you grow? Or are you wasting your time with irrelevant and regressive attitudes?
You Can’t Do SEO Half-Heartedly
And the same applies to life. The beautiful thing about SEO is that it is very much an ongoing process. You don’t invest a few grand and then simply stop…it’s about perseverance. With hard work comes success and eventually that snowball will begin to grow, and your pace will quicken. That is when the enquiries start to roll in and your business will begin to flourish…again, the same applies to life.
Life isn’t something that you can take on half-heartedly. It’s something which requires dedication and careful consideration. You have to be mindful of the way that you present yourself, you have to speak with purpose and precision and you must associate yourself with those who will make you feel valued. It’s fascinating how the 3 key components of an SEO campaign are also the key to well-optimising yourself and creating a better experience.
Sort Your Website Out
What do people think when they log onto your website? Do they see a tidy, presentable, useful, competent individual? Or are they stumbling upon a haphazard, uncertain mess of one’s and zero’s? Optimise yourself properly. See to it that your body has all of the nutrients that it needs to flourish. Be kind to yourself. Exercise well! Feel confident in your own skin. Keep your shoulders straight and hold your head up high! Not only will you instantly begin to feel great, but everything will begin to align itself around you. Your life will slowly begin to order itself accordingly.
Produce Quality, Ongoing Content
What do people think when they listen to you speak? Do they hear a confident, knowledgeable and helpful individual? Or are they struggling to hear the mumbles of a nervous, shaking wreck? Let your voice be heard! Have the confidence to share your bright ideas, speak your mind, tell the truth, be helpful, be kind…Once you decide to start producing top quality, ongoing content…people will warm to you. Your friends, colleagues and loved ones will grow to respect you more, – they’ll turn to you for advice, they’ll come to you for ideas and before long that dream job will be well-within your grasp.
Develop Your Offsite Authority Wisely
Who do you associate yourself with? Do you spend your lunch breaks listening to people moan and complain about work? Or are you laughing and joking with those who seek only to thrive, as opposed to make excuses? Are you building strong, client relationships with prospective businesses that can help you grow? Or are you wasting your time on those who have little time for you? Dedicate your time to those who have the time for you, work hard on building relationships that make you stronger, cut out all of the poison in your life and focus only on those who make you laugh…Once you begin to develop your offsite authority wisely, you’ll have all the wealth you need.