7 Common Errors with Content on Websites

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    1: No Obvious Calls to Action

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    It’s all very well having a beautiful looking website with plenty of information, though unless a visitor has clear instructions on what to do next, then you may lose them to one of your competitors. Something as simple as having a clearly visible ‘Visit Our Store’ button can work wonders and is often overlooked.

    With regards to blog posts, what do you want them to read next? Your blog posts shouldn’t just end, they should have some indication as to what to do next. For example, if you’ve posted tips on how to renovate a smaller bathroom, perhaps lead them over to your store to look at some exclusive deals on corner or wall-mounted vanity units. You must make the user-experience an endless cycle, one-page interconnecting with the next.

    2: Not Enough Content to Support the Customer Throughout

    In order to yield the best possible results, you need to cover all bases. That means implementing additional content in order to support your customer throughout their entire experience on your website. For example, when a customer Is viewing various products or services on your website, you could offer comparisons to other similar items and services. This will go a long way to making the customer feel valued and build trust in your desire to provide them with the perfect solution.

    Or when they are purchasing a particular product or service from you, you could include customer reviews or a featured success story to further secure their faith in their purchase.

    Little things like that are not necessary, though can go a long way to creating lasting relationships with your customers and securing their loyalty.

    3: Share Your Testimonials Appropriately

    Thank you note

    A decent testimonial is an incredibly valuable asset, though simply by having them listed on one page can be a waste. Why not place your testimonials with a little more cunning and care in order to utilise their full potential?

    For example, if one of your testimonials details how quickly and easily their enquiries were handled; perhaps feature that on your Contact Us page. Or if they mention a particular product or service and how greatly it benefited them; use that on the product page in question.

    Again, it’s little things like this which can be the difference between a visitor signing up or logging off!

    4: Geographically Irrelevant Content

    This is an incredibly common mistake which can be a huge turn-off for many who visit your website. If you want to get the best out of your content and truly standout from your competitors; how do your products or services apply to the customers who live locally to your business?

    When developing content, focus on key issues and offering solutions to local concerns, for example; a car dealership in Cornwall can tailor their content to those looking for robust, multi-purpose vehicles that handle off-road surfaces well.

    5: Cost and Pricing Not Being Clearly Visible

    Price Tag

    The first thing that somebody wants to know when they visit a website is ‘how much is this going to hurt my wallet?’ It is incredibly important for you to make your pricing clearly visible to the visitor. It doesn’t matter how attractive your website it, or how well you sell your business in the ‘about us’ section; if a visitor has to spend too long looking for how much your services cost, they will close the tab and go to one of your competitors instead.

    If you appear to be vague about your pricing, then people will question your motives. A website which makes this evident immediately will secure trust far easier.

    6: Over Complicating Content

    Confused lady

    An honest and easy mistake to make, is rambling on with technical words that can often be lost on your visitors. They may well need your services, though it doesn’t necessarily mean that they fully understand the ins and outs of them!

    For example; an insurance broker will offer a wide variety of options and many make the mistake of filling the content with confusing and off-putting jargon. Write in a simple and easy to digest manner and people will be more likely to roll with you.

    Just re-assure your potential customers that before they commit to a particular service; that they will be 100% certain of what it entails. We’re not all experts in your field, remember that!

    7: A Lack of, or Poor Internal Linking

    The overall usability of your website is vital when it comes to building trust and converting visitors. Most website lack enough internal links as it is, though some that do, do so poorly. It is important to take a step back and look at your website as a whole, being sure to link from one page to the next in the most appropriate and informative manner.

    You want to take visitors on a journey of discovery which will ultimately lead them to purchasing one of your products or services. For the best SEO practices, you should have at least one internal link per page. If you can manage to weave your website into one flowing and intertwined masterpiece, then you’ll be on the right path to success.