7 Simple SEO Steps for Small Businesses

    Add a header to begin generating the table of contents

    Get in the race! SEO is an on-going process which takes time to build. It’s frustrating, and overwhelming in the beginning because there are no shortcuts or easy ways to get ahead; you have to graft – It’s as simple as that.

    That being said; you don’t have to be an SEO expert in order to get things going. In this article we are going to explore 7 easy steps which can help you make a healthy start to your SEO campaign, and then build it from there.

    1 – Start Blogging

    Man typing on a Laptop

    This should be easy enough to do, considering no one should understand your industry better than you do. Content is arguably one of the most valuable components of an SEO marketing campaign, so if you want to start driving more traffic through to your website, you best get blogging!

    Writing a blog is an easy way to introduce new products and link back to the relevant pages in your website. It’s also a great way of discussing problem areas in your industry and sharing stories about how you have overcome those obstacles in the past.

    Not only that, but it’s a brilliant way to start engaging more with your audience. Regular blog posts can be shared on your social media as well, which will increase the chances of people coming back to your website.

    2 – Set Up a Google ‘My Business Account’

    You can set this up in minutes and is perfect for increasing the number of walk-in customers coming into your premises. Think about how often you use your smart phone to do local searches, and then subsequently make contact with one of the first few companies that come up in Google’s local businesses – Use this to your advantage and watch your business thrive.

    3 – Backlinks are Key

    Start building links from other websites, pointing back to your own. This is a great way of telling Google that your business is relevant! Start by signing up to websites such as Yelp, LinkedIn and YouTube for example. You could make tutorial videos for using various products and much more. Use your imagination and try to build your online awareness in the most natural way possible.

    4 – Sort Your Titles, Headers and Meta’s Out!

    This is all about ensuring that the various titles and descriptions that relate to your website feature your targeted keywords. This is to ensure that Google can successfully pinpoint your website when people are searching a specific phrase.

    So, for example if you sell children’s wetsuits, then the relevant page should have children’s wetsuits in the pages title, and then variations of that phrase in the various headers throughout the page – <h1>, <h2> etc.

    With regards to the Meta Titles and Descriptions, if you do not edit these, Google will generate one for you. You’ll be missing out on a golden opportunity to word your Meta’s in an enticing way to attract more potential customers.

    5 – Request Customer Reviews

    Megaphone and Gold stars



    Positive reviews are incredibly helpful, particularly for smaller businesses. With your Google ‘My Business’ page, having customers write their reviews there is a brilliant way of building credibility, both for Google and for your customers.

    Again, try to create an account on as many websites as possible, such as Trip Advisor and Yelp, etc. Positive contributions on these websites from customers works wonders for your local SEO! If you know you’ve gone above and beyond for a customer and they’re extremely happy, 9 times out of 10 they’ll be happy to write a review for you. Take advantage of it as often as you can!

    6 – Mention Your Geographical Location Where Possible

    Map of the World with Pin drops

    Of course, don’t spam the name of your city all over the place, but definitely endeavour to write it where possible. If it flows naturally, it can work wonders for your local SEO, particularly if incorporated into your titles and meta data. On top of that, you can incorporate this into your blog by writing geographically relevant content.

    7 – Make Your Website Mobile Friendly

    Think about how often people will be visiting your website on a desktop computer; not very often. Having a mobile friendly website is arguably one of the most important things that you can do for your business. It’s all very well driving traffic through to your website, but if it is awkward and incompatible with a mobile device, then people aren’t going to stick around for very long!


    Get involved! It doesn’t have to be as difficult as it seems. What matters is that you’re taking advantage of every opportunity to create relevant and quality content for your audience to engage with. Do what you can to build your local SEO and the rest will follow!