Google SEO

SEO'ing or Optimising your Website for Google

There can be no doubt in anyone's mind that Google is by far the most popular and well-established search engine out there. Owning a staggering 87.35 of the search engine market and is responsible for around 91% of all search engine traffic to websites. Naturally, this has attracted the interest of businesses everywhere as they all vie for a slice of the Google search pie; meaning that competitions around highly sought-after keywords have become particularly fierce in some industries.

Naturally, when faced with this kind of competition, you will want to ensure that you only work with the brightest and best in the SEO industry as poor Google SEO can not only hinder your efforts in the short term but also affect the long-term viability of your website. Most people have heard of SEO and may understand the basic premise of the idea, but most do not know the ins and outs of how this work is done and why the individual actions that are carried out are so vital for your site to be ranked well within Google's search terms.

What is Google SEO?

SEO (or Search Engine Optimisation) is a pretty catch-all term used to describe actions taken on a website that is intended to improve the way that search engines, in this instance Google, view and rank your website for individual search terms. Naturally given the complexity of both search engines and websites in general, many different actions and strategies can all combine to be part of your overall SEO strategy. While SEO will help you achieve better rankings across a wide variety of search engines, Google is where most businesses’ focus should be, given its large share of the market.

However, it is important to bear in mind that SEO results do not improve overnight and that it is a strategy for those looking into the long term of their business and who want to make lasting gains. Google has done plenty of research into how people interact with their search results and has found that the first page rankings of any keyword acquire 71%+ of the total clicks generated. Naturally, this means that for real success online, first page rankings for your relevant keywords should be your goal.

What about other search engines?

While general SEO work targeted at attracting the attention of Google will assist with your rankings in other search engines, the bottom line is that they are irrelevant to some degree. With Google being the most popular and widely used engine on the planet and with it being responsible for the largest majority of traffic and clicks, you can just focus your attention on Google and still build an extremely powerful and successful SEO campaign.

Other search engines should by no means be completely ignored but when deciding whether to spend time, money, or effort targeting them specifically, you should consider whether your efforts would be better rewarded in investing into refining your strategy aimed at Google SEO instead. In this particular instance, having all of your eggs in one basket isn't’ actually that bad of an idea! 

How can I find my Google SEO Rank?

The first step that any digital marketer worth their salt will do is take the time to look over your website and its rankings within google to determine the best course of action to get your rankings higher. There are a lot of ways to do this and many tools have been developed to assist them in doing this. Once this is completed then both they and you will have a far better understanding of where your site sits currently as well as what areas can be improved upon.

Knowing where you are currently and where you want to be is key in SEO as you will constantly need to compare where you were and how far you have come to measure the actual success of your campaign.


Where do I start my SEO?

Like many things, the first step in improving your SEO rankings on Google is to recognize the problems and the potential value of fixing these issues. Next, it’s important to make sure that any work you do yourself is properly researched and carried out to as high a standard as possible to achieve the best results.

You also need to decide on whether you will work independently on this project or seek help from a professional and reputable Digital Marketing Agency. If you do decide to work with an agency or freelance, ask to see examples of campaigns they have worked on previously within your industry first.

Why Choose TBS Marketing?

We here at TBS work hard to meet the demands of our clients, our team of extraordinarily gifted and dedicated SEO experts, programmers, and website designers are on hand to help supercharge your SEO efforts. Over the lifespan of our company, we have worked on countless campaigns of varying complexity and application and we harness this extensive experience when creating our new clients’ SEO campaigns. We do the hard work for you and we will thoroughly research top-performing competitors in your field and examine their strategies to give you the best possible chances of success!

We take a personal interest in making sure our clients are happy and satisfied - with both the service we provide and, more importantly, the results that we deliver for every one of them!

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First class marketing service and results to match. No-nonsense SEO and fantastic clear reporting. Thank you Alex and the team at TBS for helping me get my business to where it is today. They have consistently provided the correct advise and helped us navigate the ever changing landscape of Search Results. Highly recommended. 

- Kas - Director
BTS Property Group